

The result of one’s cultivation will be commensurate with the amount of effort one puts in. Without a cause, how could there be an effect? The Law of Cause and Effect won’t shortchange anyone, and nothing comes by luck. All that you need to do to put an end to bad effects is to nourish good causes. One day, you will be able to achieve anything with great ease and attain the Buddha Way.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and Effect #The Buddha Way



Do not insist that chickens, ducks, fish, and pigs are born to be eaten by human beings. This is bullying! You should know that even if the creatures you are eating are not your relatives from past lives, they are all Buddhas of the future. They all have the Buddha Nature; it is just that they created negative karma and fell into the animal realm. When their retribution is over and they cultivate the Buddha Way, they will certainly realize Buddhahood in the future.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhahood #Buddhist cultivation #The Buddha Way #Vegetarianism



It is said, “It takes beings accomplished in the human way to be accomplished in the Buddha path.”
Those of noble character in the secular world are able to be accomplished in their practice once they cultivate the Buddhadharma.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Buddhadharma #The Buddha Way



To achieve the Buddha Path and escape from suffering, there are two phrases in Buddhism you must understand: “End all secular feelings; bury all saintly views” and “Slay the demons and Buddhas as they approach.” Whenever you cultivate virtue, you should have no thought of “self” or “other.” If you hold on to the notion of self and other, you will be unable to attain Anuttara Samyak-Sambodhi.

專輯: Daily Dharma

分類: Sweet Dew

標籤: #Anuttara Samyak-Sambodhi #Avoiding evil #Secular mind #Secular world #The Buddha Way



Buddhas and all sentient beings are of the same true nature. Bhikshu Dharmakara was wise; he cultivated and became Amitabha Buddha. We, on the other hand, are victims of our secular cleverness and have converted ourselves into mundane people. What a waste! How pitiful!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism



The empty nature of the universe is what allows infinite planets to come into and out of existence. Because all phenomena undergo arising and cessation, they are impermanent. Although impermanent, the cyclic nature of birth and death grants all phenomena continuity.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Avoiding evil #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effects #Emptiness #Giving #Kindness #The Buddha Way #The Great Compassion Mantra #True Nature #Vegetarianism